Rising ICON #54: Kelsey Joson

What name do you prefer to be called? 

Kelsey Joson

What are your pronouns? 


Where did you grow up? 

Cottage Grove, MN

What city are you currently based in? 

St. Paul, MN

How do you typically introduce yourself to new people?

Hey there! I’m Kelsey Joson- I have a beautiful daughter who is just like me and drives me crazy in all the right ways. I am a passionate individual that is motivated by making sure everyone feels seen, loved, and welcome. My company, InControl, is on a mission to solve the quality of life crisis for adults with disabilities. We provide holistic in-home preventative wellness services that equip disabled adults with the skills and support they need to live a life of abundance. 

What’s one thing you wish more people knew about you? 

I love expressing myself through dance even though I have no formal dance training. It is one of my favorite things to do and not pursuing dance professionally is one of my biggest regrets.  

Who do you help?

I am called to help people from all walks of life feel seen, loved, and welcome. This calling is actually what sparked my dive into wellness for adults with disabilities after being concerned about a few adults I had a relationship with. It was there that I recognized the significant gap in accessible preventative wellness services for adults with disabilities and decided that was going to be what I devoted my life to. Whether it's through my work in equitable wellness services for adults with disabilities or my efforts to create spaces where everyone feels valued, I help those who are unseen gain access to the support they need to live a life of abundance. 

What are you building now? 

Currently, I am focused on expanding the reach and impact of my organization, InControl, by developing innovative programs and partnerships aimed at promoting wellness and equity for individuals with disabilities.

What were you building ten years ago today? 

Ten years ago I was pursuing my Master's in Education with a specialization in Health Education and Developmental Adapted Physical Education. Additionally, I founded and led a non-profit called Gopher Global that facilitated volunteer opportunities for Gopher athletes, allowing them to make a positive impact beyond Minnesota's borders.

What do you predict of yourself 10 years from now? 

In ten years, I see myself still passionately advocating for inclusivity and empowerment in the healthcare system. I also envision nurturing and growing my family and creating a loving environment for them to thrive as well.   

What’s a fact or statistic you wish everyone knew about your industry? 

Adults with disabilities are three times more likely to have heart disease, stroke, diabetes, or cancer than adults without disabilities. I wish more people were aware of the significant disparities in access to wellness services for individuals with disabilities. There is an urgent need for more inclusive and equitable care practices.

Why do you believe the work you do matters? 

The work I do matters because it has the ability to foster a more inclusive and compassionate society. Everyone deserves the opportunity to lead a healthy and abundant life, regardless of their abilities, and we are working to bridge the gap in accessible wellness services to create a more inclusive world and make that a reality.

Who is your mentor and what is the best advice they’ve given you? 

I actually have a personal advisory team for myself made up of 10-12 experts in their field that advise me so just picking one would be unfair! But one piece of advice that gave me the most freedom was that slow growth is okay and actually the real recipe for longevity and a more sustainable business.  

What piece of content about you or your company are you most proud of?

My 2- part podcast feature on the Heart of Equity podcast. It really allowed me to really dive into the disparities in health care not only for people with disabilities but black and brown disabled adults.


What publication do you hope to appear in next? 

I would love to be featured in Essence magazine. 

Who would you love to be interviewed by? 

I think it would be amazing to have a sit down with Michelle Obama or Oprah. 

If you had to give a TEDTalk tomorrow, what would the title be?

The Truth Behind Wellness Access 

What award would mean the most to win?

40 under 40 award 

What makes zero sense to you?

I've always been baffled by how our healthcare system seems to reward sickness rather than promoting wellness.Why is it that unhealthy food is often cheaper and more readily available than nutritious options? It's like we're penalizing people for trying to make healthier choices. And who suffers the most? It's usually the marginalized communities, especially black, brown and disabled individuals, who face barriers to accessing affordable, healthy food/services. This backward approach not only perpetuates health disparities but also exacerbates existing inequalities.

What’s a word in your industry you hope gets re-evaluated?


You know, when we talk about inclusion, it's one of those words that sounds great on paper but, in action, it often falls short. It's puzzling to me why we still struggle to embrace a more forward-thinking approach, especially when it comes to including the disabled community. We've made strides in diversity efforts, focusing on race and gender, but somehow, individuals with disabilities still seem to be left out of the conversation. It makes me wonder, when companies are looking to diversify their boards and leadership teams, how often do they actually think about recruiting members of the disabled community?... I feel as if we all might be working under our own definitions of inclusion and truly missing the boat.

What game are you changing?

We're disrupting the status quo in the wellness industry, pushing for more inclusivity and accessibility. 

What’s the next thing you’re a part of that you want to invite more people to participate in?

Strengthen the Strong Luncheons, a luncheon series I co-founded dedicated to fostering inclusivity and empowerment for business professionals. Our goal is to create the world we want to see, one that's inclusive of all individuals. It's about building a community where everyone feels valued and supported, and where opportunities for growth and success are accessible to all. I'm passionate about inviting more people to participate in this movement towards a more inclusive and equitable future.

Where can we follow you online?

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kelseyjoson/

Instagram: @kfj_15

InControl Website: www.incontrolmn.com 

Strengthen The Strong: https://www.eventbrite.com/o/kelsey-joson-61718032063 

What’s one thing that makes every leader better?

One thing that makes every leader better is genuine empathy. Going out of our way to make people feel seen, loved, and welcome not only cultivates stronger bonds but also creates an environment of trust and inclusivity. True empathy allows leaders to understand and connect with diverse experiences and perspectives- allowing for deeper more meaningful relationships, and ultimately, more impactful leadership


We’re grateful to each Rising ICON for their transformative work. Thank you, Kelsey, for sharing your story!

LAUREL is a media relations partner for bold leadership. Through a publication, education platform and PR representation, we help leaders build effective strategies for scale and growth specializing in digital executive presence and go-to-market strategy for emerging brands. To follow along with the Rising ICONS series, nominate a leader or subscribe to our weekly emails below. To accelerate your own rise, get our free guide to visibility Force to ICON: the TLDR.

I am called to help people from all walks of life feel seen, loved, and welcome. This calling is what sparked my dive into wellness for adults with disabilities, recognizing the significant gap in accessible preventative wellness services.
— Kelsey Joson

Notice: It’s important for our readers to understand the origin of the interview content. The featured ICON contributed responses that were not edited from the original submission. All claims are made solely by the contributor and do not reflect the views of LAUREL or its partners. Thank you for supporting rising leaders. The future is bold.


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